VS: Groeiende handel in oudere tractoren

Cost-conscious farmers are looking for bargains, and tractors from that era are well-built and totally functional, and aren’t as complicated or expensive to repair as more recent models that run on sophisticated software.

“It’s a trend that’s been building. It’s been interesting in the last couple years, which have been difficult for ag, to see the trend accelerate,” said Greg Peterson, the founder of Machinery Pete, a farm equipment data company in Rochester with a website and TV show.

“There’s an affinity factor if you grew up around these tractors, but it goes way beyond that,” Peterson said. “These things, they’re basically bulletproof. You can put 15,000 hours on it and if something breaks you can just replace it.”

“The newer machines, any time something breaks, you’ve got to have a computer to fix it,” Stock said.

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Ik snap dat wel.
Zouden ze er nu dan toch eindelijk achter komen dat nieuw niet altijd beter is????
Bakker S
Worden de oude tractoren toch nog duur....

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