Fiat 72-94

2 video's van @Fiatagri72-94DT

Testing the turbo pressuregauge on the Fiatagri 72-94DT Turbo (90 hk on the engine) . Pulling only the tractor in a small hill, so max boost at 0,9 psi


Lol this Fiat is pretty cool! Do you use it alot?
@valmet6400power about 100 hours on 1 year. The Fiat 72-94DT is number 2 tractor on the Farm. This one has a good life on the farm,
It's a 1994 model with Only 3700 hours
Most of the hours in the Winter on easy Forestry work.
Looks nice, fiatpower 😄

Ooo that's not that much 😮
18 years for 3700 hours is like a joke for a fiat 😃
What is your first tractor than? 😄

3700 hours one a Fiatagri is nothing, Has only been Fiatagri on the Farm, and some wrong Investments....

2008 Case IH JXU 95 (The Red Fiatagri) with Trima 2.0P loader, is the first tractor one the farm. Has 1333 hours, Runs about 300 350 hours on 1 year. Find photo under Case IH / JXU95, The one with Chrome pipe.

Haha indeed, i found it on your profile, it looks nice with the exhaust! Do you have a lot acres to work on? 😄

330 acres with corn. Have all types of Landscape, all from flat to big slopes/hills and soft,stone dry,Clay Landscape etc....

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