We hebben helaas nog geen technische specificaties van de 920.
Er zijn <strong>tientallen</strong> leden die ervaring blijken te hebben met de 920, gezamenlijk zo'n 30.695 draaiuren. Elk lid kan zijn ervaring met deze prachtige machine toevoegen. Word ook lid »
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Hallo beste leden ik heb me een mooie 920 vario tms op het oog het oog gezien. Nu wil ik graag weten of de vario bak goed is, ik heb wel eens gehoord van druk meten in de bak? Klopt dit?. En als dit werkt kun je dat ook bij alle varios van fendt testen? Alvast bedankt
Weet iemand waar deze aansluiting zit binnen in de cabine. Wil een led bar op het dak zetten. Zag dat er een extra zet draadjes zat. (Zie foto)
Hey guys!
So the 920 wont start, when I turn on the ignition nothing happens, if i turn it on and of a couple of times sometimes it light up. But when i turn the key all the way it goes black again. Seems like there is a bad connection or something? Are there any know problems? Both of the batteries are 3 years old and when i measured the power on them both had 12,9V. The start relay is also 3 years old and had no moist or water inside and looked as it did when it was new. I should mention that this happend after i had washed the tractor, but there was no unusual wash. It was only on the outside panels and the rims.
Could it be the ignition lock?
Hope there are someone who can help me!
Regard Erik
Hey guys
Since you guys know more about Fendt than the Norwgian dealer i got a question.
I just got an offer for a set of wheels for my 920,(first generation) 710/70x42 and 540/65x34. I wonder if they fit? and it will be right with the 4wd?
The wheels came of a 828 with 700 hours on it, its Trelleborg and they ask 9000 euro, with rims on so i dont think the price is too bad...
The link for the add: (Its in Norwegian) finn.no/finn/b2b/…
Hope you can help! Thanks
Just bought a 2000 mod 920 (first generation). And the Fendt logo in the front has allmost lost all of its color. Does anyone here know what color the letters have when the tractor is new? white or light grey?
Thanks for the help