Foto van een Volvo L110F, bezig met poseren.Me plowing snow with the Volvo L110F and a

Volvo L110F

Foto van een Volvo L110F, bezig met poseren.
Me plowing snow with the Volvo L110F and a "klappvinge" snow plow, 5 meters wide 😃


Sneeuw inkuilen
Nice! but its a pity that it is dark
Nice picture you got, where are you plowing? I mean, what kind of company?

We have our own company 😉 but it was so much snow that we had to hire this Volvo from a company called Samuelsen Maskin, that i was company who has a lot of excavators and stuff like that, we have mostly farm equipment 😄

yeah, but most snow plowing is in the night 😉 and here i live in Norway we only have day light for 6 hours a day in the winter so it's a lot of working in the dark 😛

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